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The North Dakota Department of Career and Technical Education (ND CTE) offered each community in North Dakota to apply through a competitive application process for up to $10 million to establish or expand career and technical education centers. Those funds were made available through the federal Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund.

Grand Forks raised over $10 million from public and private partners and wrote a competitive grant to receive a full $10 million match from ND CTE, which was approved in March 2022.

In February 2023, due to delays in the release of funds from the U.S. Department of Treasury, the 68th Legislative Assembly, through House Bill 1199, approved a line of credit from the Bank of North Dakota to provide the matching funds for the approved projects.

Funding Sustainability

ND CTE provides exceptional support to CTE programming and reimburses 40% of program costs including instructor salaries, benefits, supplies, and travel expenses. In addition, that reimbursement percentage increases for each school district participating (i.e. enrolling students) in individual CTE program offerings. On average, at least 50% of the ongoing costs of operating the center (staff, supplies, travel) are being provided by the state on an ongoing basis.

Following the funding model of the successful virtual Grand Forks Area Career and Technology Center (GFACTC), all member school districts, including Central Valley, Thompson, Hatton, Northwood, Larimore, Hillsboro, May-Port CG, and Grand Forks Public Schools contribute membership fees each year to have access to the online courses. A similar funding model will be determined between the participating schools of the Career Impact Academy to cover the local share of the programming costs. Program equipment needs are addressed through the combination of the Federal Carl D. Perkins funding, in-kind contributions from industries, and relocating existing equipment over to the Career Impact Academy.

The Career Impact Academy also has many opportunities for revenue streams that aren’t available in a traditional K-12 building, which would contribute to ongoing operational costs. Adult education programs and employee retraining that happen after the school day would provide opportunities for revenue from area employers who want to use the facility. Additionally, partnering post-secondary institutions will also be able to teach coursework in the building, providing ongoing financial support.